Charles's Pen and Jesus' Name.Nov 9, 2009. Question: How do you show possession for a name that ends in y? Answer: To show singular possession, use the apostrophe and then the s. Ordinary (or common) nouns that end in s, both singular and plural, show possession simply by adding an ' after the s but proper nouns (names of people, cities, countries etc.) can form. The most common use of contracted apostrophes is for:. Jan 17, 2012. I think that how to use an apostrophe with a word ending in an “S” is one. is in line with its guidelines for singular proper names ending in “S.”. What is the correct way to put an 's' on the end of a name that ends in 's' - e.g. James. Which one is correct or is it by putting an apostrophe in? In fact, this is one of those questions that is hard to answer definitively as usage is changing.
How to use Apostrophe for Name ending with X.? - Yahoo! Answers.
apostrophe usage for names ending in s
The Apostrophe/The Well Bred Sentence.
How to use Apostrophes for names that end in 'S'? - Yahoo! Answers.
Punctuation: The Apostrophe.
Apostrophes - Grammar - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation.
apostrophe usage for names ending in s
Why Achilles' heel but Dickens's novels? Why s' and s's for names.Most singular possessive nouns (including names ending in s, z, or x) end in 's, and. of her popular book Eats, Shoots and Leaves: the use of the apostrophe.
ON LANGUAGE; Possessing Dukakis - New York Times.
The toughest apostrophe choice | Nitpickers' Nook.